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Writing for the Web
Dates will be avalible shortly
Professional Development
Write Limited
Wellington workshops are held at our training rooms on Level 9, Baldwins Centre, 342 Lambton Quay.
Full Day
9am to 4.30pm
Per Person Excludes GST
Write is the New Zealand licensee for Rachel McAlpine's Quality Web Content (QWC) workshops.

This Quality Web Content workshop is a must for anyone who writes or edits content for websites or intranets. You don't need any special technical knowledge or HTML skills.

This 1-day workshop will help you to:
 understand the difference between writing for print and writing for an online audience
 write content that can be skim-read in seconds
After you’ve done this workshop you’ll be eligible to attend our other Quality Web Content workshop — Writing Content for Public Sector Websites.

Workshop topics
 The differences between writing for print and the web
 The importance of considering the impatient skim-reader
 Guidelines for creating crystal clear web content
 Tips for writing plain English on the web
 Ways to write perfect headlines and subheadings
 Ways to write link-text that works
 How to choose keywords and include them in the text for good search results
 Using a process to write a webpage.

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